5 Ways to better represent your city at ICSC.
5 Ways To Better Represent Your City At ICSC. So your going to Vegas. The ICSC RECON convention is coming up fast and you are the chosen one. You are going to represent your city and grab the big name national retailer everybody in town wants. However, If the plan you have for success is to sit at your table and wait for something to happen you might as well just stay in the casino and play slots all day because the odds are better there. Here are five things you can do to push the odds in your favor. 1. Know what you are selling and get your product ready for market. This is a retail and real estate convention so be prepared to show them the best real estate your municipality has to offer. You need to have attractive and comprehensive marketing material that includes a site plan for the retailer you are hoping to land. 2. Get on the phone now and start setting meetings. You will want to have identified...